Tuesday, March 19, 2013

@#?$ Censoring!

Let me tell you something up front: I do not censor myself. I will express myself the way I want, even if it means throwing in all some four-letter words in every sentence sometimes. Swearing is aggressive, it's angry and furious, it makes everything you say sound dangerous and violent. It gets the point across. It's relevant.

Books, especially YA novels, often use swearing in the language of teenagers. Yes, we do swear, don't get your panties in a twist. But sometimes, people forget that we can censor ourselves, mostly in front of adults. We won't normally tell our mother, “Yes, I did the fucking dishes.” No, we'd say, “I did the dishes.” We aren't all vulgar. Most of us aren't. I have never met a person who swears to their parents, unless they're having a huge fight. The media always accentuates the swearing, but in reality, it isn't such a big deal.

Some things should be censored. Radio stations that have a large family demographic should probably censor the songs. Radio stations directed towards adults only – not so much. Same with books, television shows, movies, etc., etc. It's not a big deal. Censor for the little kids, not for the big kids.

I don't see why this is a big issue. People choose to listen to these radio stations or buy these books. It's not like they are pre-selected for you. You can choose not to listen to the “dirty” version of Thrift Shop. You don't usually have a gun pointed at you – you aren't forced.

Let people express themselves, dammit! It's not that hard. I will listen to whatever the fuck I please and you can listen to whatever the fuck you want. I don't care. You shouldn't care. NOT. THAT. BIG. OF. A. DEAL.

- ellie - fear me. -


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